Missionary Candidate Training: Raising Up Third World Missionaries (2008)This book was initially compiled for Majority World missionary candidates, who often encounter limited opportunities for comprehensive missions training. However, the lessons in this manual are relevant to anyone interested in mission work. Sending a missionary without adequate training is akin to commissioning a carpenter without tools! The principles of cross-cultural missions presented in the 11 chapters of this book are field-tested nuggets that can effectively equip anyone aspiring to engage in missionary work. It is also available on Kindle in English | French | Portuguese | Spanish, and in paperback in multiple languages. For the Amharic version, please request via email at eaptc@eaptc.com.
* Appendices for the English edition are available below for free reading:
Missionary Candidate Training Appendix 1: Missionary Application
Missionary Candidate Training Appendix 2: Internship Evaluation Form
Missionary Candidate Training Appendix 3: Missionary support-appealing flyer sample
Missionary Candidate Training Appendix 5: Personal Leadership Assessment
Learning From Joseph: From Pit To Palace (2009)
A helpful Bible teaching guide from the story of Joseph. Designed to address practical Bible truths to today's youths who live in the postmodernism and metamodernism era. Get your copy: Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Free PDF.
ከዮሴፍመማር: ከጉድጓድ እስከ ቤተመንግስት (2009, Amharic)
ተከታታይ የወጣቶች ትምህርት
This book elaborates on the rationales and know-how of cross-cultural discipleship and narrates plenty of case studies and stories from the fields. It scholarly and practically frames a pathfinder of cross-cultural discipleship and subsequential multiplication of disciples and churches in global contexts. Developing the biblical lens and missional lifestyle both at home and over cultures enables Christians to pursue a life of blessing for the nations. The book challenges the readers to experience the shift of their worldviews and to model a contextual mindset to willingly go into the Majority World and make disciples of all nations. Click HERE for a free book sample.
* Below is the video link of book sharing presented by the Omega Graduate School:
The future challenge of the global church will generally fall under the category of (1) an anti-Christian religious society or (2) an atheistic society or (3) secularized metamodern (post-postmodern) society. 2 Timothy 3:12 affirms that everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. This book is full of anecdotes, research, and biblical exhortations on the subject of Christian suffering from either form of persecution or temptation. It provides field-tested and validated suggestions for anyone serving in missions in difficult places and circumstances and following Christ either in the free world or gospel-restricted world. Click HERE for a free book sample, and watch the book trailer below.
This rare collection of pastoral letters provides valuable guidance and direction to Christian leaders who shepherd others. Containing biblical insights that encourage, guide, train, and teach church leaders, this book is a valuable resource for those serving God's people as their shepherd. The nuggets of wisdom presented in this book are contextually applicable and contemporarily beneficial to the ministry you are serving. In addition to the wisdom-packed counsel from a man who has spent thirty years training and mentoring Christian leaders across the globe and cultures, this volume is also full of online resources. Get your copy: Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Free PDF. Watch the book release announcement below.
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